School Policies
- Attendance
- Birthdays
- Clothing
- Dismissal
- Dropping Off Children
- Early Dismissal
- Homework
- Important School Numbers
- Lost and Found
- Meals at School
- Moving
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- School Closings
- School News
- School Policies
- Snacks
- Toys & Other Valuables
- Transportation
- Visiting School
Regular attendance is most important to your child's education. Please see to it that they arrive on time to get breakfast, with their necessary supplies and homework assignments.
School starts promptly at 8:05 and ends at 2:25.
If your child will be absent, please call the Main Office at 577-6270 to let us know and follow-up with an absence note when he/she returns to school.
Birthdays are very special days and can be celebrated in school. Each classroom teacher has his/her own guidelines for a celebration in school and will notify you of them at the beginning of the school year. We are sorry, but we are not allowed to give out students' addresses or phone numbers for birthday parties or any other reason.
To pick up your child during the school day, stop in the Main office. We will contact the classroom and your child will come to the office while you are signing him/her out.
Buses begin leaving Hempstead School at 2:25pm. If you need to pick up your child at the end of the day, you may arrive at 2:15. Please park in the back, pull onto the grass before the blacktop area so you do not interfer with any classes that may be outside. Please send the teacher a note so your child will not be put on the bus.
Kindergartners must be met at the bus.
Any dismissal changes must be sent to the school in writing. If there is no note and we cannot reach you, your child will go on the bus to your home or to their after school program.
If another adult will pick your child up from school, we must have a note authorizing us to release your child to this person. This adult must have proper identification.
If your child will not be going to his usual after-school program, we must have a note and you must call the program to let them know the child will be absent.
If your child does not arrive home at the expected time, call the transportation office (577-6490) and then call the school (577-6270). Try to have an adult remain at the bus stop in case the bus arrives late. Calling, rather than coming to school, allows us to solve the problem faster.
Dropping Off Children
Dropping Off Children
Children will arrive at school at 8:05AM. There is no adult supervision prior to 8:05AM. Children cannot be dropped off before 8:05AM.
If you drop your child off, please pull into a parking space in the recess area (rear lot). Do not park in front of the main entrance since that area is for school buses ONLY. Please do not double park. A staff member will meet the children at the recess area beginning at 8:05AM and will be there until 8:20AM. After 8:20AM, it is fine to drop off your child at the Main Office entrance.
Class begins at 8:25 AM. Children are considered late after 8:25 AM and must sign in at Main Office to avoid being marked absent.
Early Dismissal
Early Dismissal
There will be several early dismissals throughout the year for professional learning/parent teacher conferences. On those days buses will leave at an earlier time, approximately _____. Breakfast and lunch are both served on those days. Reminder notices will be sent home with your child.
Homework is an important part of the learning experience. It is an assignment given by the teacher to be completed outside of the regular classroom time. Homework is given to review classwork, reinforce skills, and stimulate new interests and critical thinking. Homework helps your child practice skills. It teaches responsibility and organization. The following are Hempstead's
Below are the basic guidelines for homework, but please check with your child's teacher as they may have a different policy.
Kindergarten - 4 days per week, 10 minutes per night
Grade 1 - 4 days per week, 15 minutes per night, plus long term projects, book reports
Grade 2 - 4 days per week, 30 minutes per night (ten minutes each for spelling, reading and math), plus long term projects, book reports
Grade 3 - 4 days per week, 45 minutes per night Plus long term projects, book reports All grades - Reading is encouraged on a daily basis
Grade 4 - 4 days per week, 45 minutes per night Plus long term projects, book reports All grades - Reading is encouraged on a daily basis
Grade 5 - 4 days per week, 45 minutes per night Plus long term projects, book reports All grades - Reading is encouraged on a daily basis
Grade 6 - 4 days per week, 45 minutes per night Plus long term projects, book reports All grades - Reading is encouraged on a daily basis
If your child is struggling with homework, contact the classroom teacher.
New work and homework may be given on religious observance days, with the flexibility to assist students who observe these days to make up the work.
Important School Numbers
Important School Numbers
Main Office, Mrs. Recinos | 577-6270 |
Attendance Desk, Mrs.K | 577-6270 ext. 5601 |
Nurse, Mrs.Despirito | 577-6270 ext. 5603 |
Kitchen | 577-6270 ext. 5605 |
Psychologist, Mrs. Lyza Granata | 577-6270 ext. 5624 |
Psychologist, Dr. Nimchinsky | 577-6270 exy. 5604 |
Central Registration | 577-6062 |
District Infophone | 577-6000 ext. 1 |
RASP Office/K Club | 577-6141 |
Transportation | 577-6494 |
Lost and Found
Meals at School
Meals at School
Children have the option of eating breakfast in school. This breakfast (in a bag) consists of juice, milk, and a cold main course. There is no cost at this time. Breakfast is eaten in the classroom. If we have a delayed opening due to bad weather, there is no breakfast program.
Children have a one-hour lunch break in the day. There is one half hour spent having recess, either outdoors or in their classroom, depending on the weather. Children have lunch in the during the second half-hour.
Children may bring lunch to school or receive a free lunch at this time.
If you are going to move, you must notify Central Registration, at 105 South Madison Avenue, Spring Valley (577-6065) and supply proof of your new address. They will set up any change in transportation that might be necessary and send the information to Hempstead School. A change in home or work phone numbers may be reported directly to the Hempstead Office at 577-6270.
It is important to change your address even if you remain in the same school zone or change apartments in the same building. Important mail such as bus passes and test reports will not reach you without an up-to-date address.
If you are moving out of the East Ramapo Central School District entirely, please inform the Hempstead office of your child's last day of attendance.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
School Closings
School Closings
Don't forget to sign up for our K12 Alert System to be able to hear the latest on school closings...
Emergency School Closing Information Before School Begins...
If schools in East Ramapo are to be closed before the start of the school day, a decision will be made by 6 a.m., and all radio stations listed below, the district's Infophone, and a special internet web site ( will have the information by 6:30 a.m. The same will apply if the opening of school is to be delayed. If a delayed opening has been announced, please continue to listen to your radio station, call Infophone, or monitor about the possibility of school being closed. (If the opening of school is to be delayed, then all A.M. kindergarten and all A.M. PreKindergarten classes will be cancelled.) East Ramapo makes every reasonable effort to balance the important matters of safety and education, while at the same time making a decision early enough that bus drivers, teachers, other employees, the media, and parents can be notified in time to make whatever arrangements may be necessary.
For up-to-the-minute information on the possibility of a delayed opening or school closing, you may listen to any of the following radio stations: WRCR (1300 AM), WFAS (1230 AM), WBNR (1260 AM), WLNA (1420 AM), WVOX (1460 AM), Rockland Emergency Radio (1640 AM), WRTN (93.5 FM), WHUD (100.7 FM), WFAS (103.9 and 106.3 FM), and WSPK (104.7 FM).
If you live in East Ramapo and have access to a computer, just log onto Once there, enter your zip code in the "Search for delays/cancellations" box on the upper left side of the screen, click "Search," and it will take you to a host of organizations within a five-mile radius-including East Ramapo. The site will tell you immediately whether there are any postings. Postings will be listed at this site for both district-wide and school-based delays and cancellations. If you do not see a posting after 6:30 a.m., then it means that school will be in session as usual.
You may also call Infophone, the district's 24-hour message service, at 577-6565. Infophone is kept up to the minute during all emergency situations, and can handle up to eight calls at the same time. If you call after 6:30 a.m. and do not hear a school closing message, then it means that school will be in session. When district schools are closed, all regularly scheduled sports events and co-curricular activities are also cancelled, unless otherwise announced. When school is open for the day, all of the above activities will take place, unless otherwise announced. Activities to be cancelled will be announced on Infophone and WRCR and posted on No announcements will be made for activities that are to take place as usual. Important note: When the opening of school is delayed, then all a.m. kindergarten and a.m. PreKindergarten classes are cancelled.
When School Is In Session...
If school is already in session and grades 1-12 are to be sent home early because of poor weather conditions, that decision will be made by 11:15 a.m. If afternoon kindergarten or PreKindergarten classes are to be cancelled, that decision will be made by 10:30 a.m. Any decision to close early will be aired on Infophone and given to WRCR, WHUD, and WLNA as soon as the decision is made. It will also be posted
Please do not call the school district or individual schools to find out if children are being sent home early, as that will only tie up the same phone lines that are needed to inform the radio stations, bus drivers, and other essential personnel. During such emergencies, it is important that the district's telephone system be available for official use. Smoothly-run procedures are essential to the health and welfare of our children, and these depend upon the phone system being available for heavy use by district officials. Additionally, please do not call PTA presidents. Important note for Parents of K-Club youngsters: When school is to be closed early, youngsters in the K-Club will not be bused home. As soon as parents hear about an early closing, they must call 577-6378 and inform K-Club officials as to who will be picking their child up. Parents must make arrangements to have their children picked up from K-Club by 1 p.m. When school remains open until normal closing time, even during inclement weather, K-Club will also remain open until normal closing time. Important note for Parents of RASP youngsters: When school is to be closed early, youngsters in the RASP program will be bused home. When school remains open until normal closing time, even during inclement weather, RASP will also remain open until normal closing time.
If You're A Parent...
If you're the parent of an elementary school student, you are urged to have a current emergency telephone number on file at your child's school. You are also urged to make your child aware of where to go and what to do in case of an emergency dismissal during regular school hours.Please note: Members of each elementary school's PTA unit will help place phone calls and provide assistance whenever possible, but they arenot responsible for contacting every parent or for dismissal procedures.
School News
School Policies
School Policies
Regular attendance is most important to your child's education. Please see to it that they arrive on time with their necessary supplies and homework assignments.
If your child will be absent, please call the Main Office at 577-6270 to let us know and follow-up with an absence note when he/she returns to school.
Dropping children off at school
Children will arrive at school at 8:05AM. There is no adult supervision prior to 8:05AM. Children cannot be dropped off before 8:05AM.
If you drop your child off, please pull into a parking space in the Recess Area (rear lot). Do not park in front of the main entrance. Please do not double park. A staff member will meet the children at the school entrance beginning at 8:05AM in the Recess Area.
Class starts at 8:25AM. Children are considered late after 8:25AM and must sign in at Main Office to avoid being marked absent.
To pick up your child during the school day, stop in the Main office. We will contact the classroom and your child will come to the office while you are signing him/her out.
Buses begin leaving Hempstead School at 2:45PM. If you need to pick up your child at the end of the day, you may arrive at 2:15PM. Please send the teacher a note so your child will not be put on the bus. Kindergartners must be met at the bus.
Any dismissal changes must be sent to the school in writing. If there is no note and we cannot reach you, your child will go on the bus to your home or to their after school program.
If another adult will pick your child up from school, we must have a note authorizing us to release your child to this person. This adult must have proper identification.
If your child will not be going to his usual after-school program, we must have a note and you must call the program to let them know the child will be absent.
If your child does not arrive home at the expected time, call the transportation office (577-6490) and then call the school (577-6270). Try to have an adult remain at the bus stop in case the bus arrives late. Calling, rather than coming to school, allows us to solve the problem faster.
Parent/Teacher Conference Days
There is no Kindergarten and grades first through sixth dismissed at 11:30 AM. On these days breakfast is available for the children, but there is no lunch program.
Early Dismissal
On one Thursday during the months of: September, October, January, February, March, and May, there will be an early dismissal for staff development. Morning or afternoon kindergarten session will be cancelled on alternate early dismissal days. On those days buses leave at approximately 1:10 PM. Breakfast and lunch are both served on those days. Reminder notices will be sent home with your child.
Birthdays are very special days and can be celebrated in school. Each classroom teacher has his/her own guidelines for a celebration in school and will notify you of them at the beginning of the school year. We are sorry, but we are not allowed to give out students' addresses or phone numbers for birthday parties or any other reason.
Every child attending Hempstead School rides a bus. Bus passes are mailed to your home by transportation. Students should have their bus passes with them. Transportation must be contacted at 577-6490 to arrange any stop other than your home address. An adult must meet kindergartners at the bus stop.
Bus safety is everyone's job. Please review the following safety rules for walking to the bus and riding the bus with your child: „» Follow all safety rules. „» Walk on the bus one at a time. „» Stay seated on the bus. „» Use quiet voices on the bus. „» Treat the bus driver and passengers with respect. „» Walk where the driver can see you and you can see the driver. „» Look both ways when crossing. „» If something drops under the bus, leave it there. If the students do not follow the rules, parents will get copies of bus referrals and consequences given ranging from a verbal warning to suspension of bus privileges.
All clothing and bookbags should be labeled. Children should be dressed appropriately for outdoor recess, weather permitting. Students in grades first, second, and third must wear sneakers on the days their class has physical education, or they will not be permitted to participate in the gym class.
Lost and Found
There is a lost and found box in the cafeteria for lost items. Small or valuable items, such as eyeglasses or jewelry, would be placed in the main office for safekeeping.
Toys and Other Valuable Items in School
Do not let children bring toys to school. These items will be confiscated and held for parent pick-up. Some examples are hand held games, trading cards, electronic items, and collectibles. The school cannot take responsibility for items that are lost, destroyed or stolen.
Homework is an important part of the learning experience. It is an assignment given by the teacher to be completed outside of the regular classroom time. Homework is given to review classwork, reinforce skills, and stimulate new interests and critical thinking. Homework helps your child practice skills. It teaches responsibility and organization. The following are Hempstead¡¦s
Guidelines for homework:
Kindergarten - 4 days per week, 10 minutes per night
Grade 1 - 4 days per week, 15 minutes per night, plus long term projects, book reports
Grade 2 - 4 days per week, 30 minutes per night (ten minutes each for spelling, reading and math), plus long term projects, book reports
Grade 3 - 4 days per week, 45 minutes per night Plus long term projects, book reports All grades - Reading is encouraged on a daily basis
Grade 4 - 4 days per week, 45 minutes per night Plus long term projects, book reports All grades - Reading is encouraged on a daily basis
Grade 5 - 4 days per week, 45 minutes per night Plus long term projects, book reports All grades - Reading is encouraged on a daily basis
Grade 6 - 4 days per week, 45 minutes per night Plus long term projects, book reports All grades - Reading is encouraged on a daily basis
If your child is struggling with homework, contact the classroom teacher.
New work and homework may be given on religious observance days, with the flexibility to assist students who observe these days to make up the work.
If you are going to move, you must notify Central Registration, at 105 South Madison Avenue, Spring Valley (577-6065) and supply proof of your new address. They will set up any change in transportation that might be necessary and send the information to Hempstead School. A change in home or work phone numbers may be reported directly to the Hempstead Office at 577-6270.
It is important to change your address even if you remain in the same school zone or change apartments in the same building. Important mail such as bus passes and test reports will not reach you without an up-to-date address.
If you are moving out of the East Ramapo Central School District entirely, please inform the Hempstead office of your child's last day of attendance.
Visiting School
*UPDATE: Due to covid regulations by the CDC, visitors are not permitted at this time during the school day.
Meals at School
Children have the option of eating breakfast in school. This breakfast (in a bag) consists of juice, milk, and a cold main course. The cost is .80 cents. Breakfast is eaten in the classroom. If we have a delayed opening due to bad weather, there is no breakfast program.
Children in grades 1-6 have a one-hour lunch break in the day. The first half-hour is spent having recess, either outdoors or in their classroom, depending on the weather. Children have lunch in the cafeteria during the second half-hour.
Children may bring lunch to school or purchase lunch for $1.35. Menus will be sent home each month. For parents interested in purchasing school lunch for their child on a daily basis, a weekly or monthly payment plan is available. Free or reduced rate (.25 cents) breakfast and lunch are available for those who qualify. If you believe you qualify, please contact the school office for the necessary forms. Families eligible for a reduced price or free lunch must fill out a new application every September. Children will not receive free or reduced meals after September 30th if the current year¡¦s form has not been approved. Only one application per family needs to be filled out listing all children in the family.
Most teachers set aside a time for snack. Snacks should be of good nutritional value. Be sure to limit the snack to one item.
Toys & Other Valuables
Every child attending Hempstead School rides a bus. Bus passes are mailed to your home by transportation. Students should have their bus passes with them. Transportation must be contacted at 577-6490 to arrange any stop other than your home address. An adult must meet kindergartners at the bus stop.
Bus safety is everyone's job. Please review the following safety rules for walking to the bus and riding the bus with your child:
- Follow all safety rules.
- Walk on the bus one at a time.
- Stay seated on the bus.
- Use quiet voices on the bus.
- Treat the bus driver and passengers with respect.
- Walk where the driver can see you and you can see the driver.
- Look both ways when crossing.
- If something drops under the bus, leave it there.
If the students do not follow the rules, parents will get copies of bus referrals and consequences given ranging from a verbal warning to suspension of bus privileges.
Visiting School
Visiting School
All visitors must sign in at the main office when they come to school where a visitors pass will be given.
We welcome visits but require that an appointment be arranged. Please contact you child's teachers by phone or note to make sure the teacher will be available when you come to school.